Saturday, July 21, 2007

An Update from my 7/21/07 phone call

Here is some information from today's phone conversation posted by Maribeth's Mom.

Hello again! Well, it has been 5 weeks since I arrived in Madagascar and I absolutely love it! It is definitely challenging, but wonderful, too. I have had lots of training and they are even going to give us cooking training soon! Oh...and I've had 11 shots so far. Ouch! They do take good care of us.

I have made some great friends! Even though we will soon be living in different towns throughout Madagascar, we will be able to get together every 3 months or so for Peace Corps gatherings.

I passed the first Malagasy language test a few weeks ago. I am now at the "intermediate low level". They want us to all be at the "intermediate high level" by the time we finish our training at the end of August.

Right now I have been teaching everyday for 2-3 hours. It is a lot of work but rewarding. I have been teaching different classes for young children up to adults. This will help me to be prepared for my 2 year assignment which will begin in September.

Thanks to all of those who have written letters! I just love reading what is going on in the states. I actually have received one of the packages that Mom sent--it was a pair of dress pants and a fleece shirt, so now I am warmer. :)

My assigned town will become my home at the beginning of September. I've been told that there are already some things in the house so I won't have to buy everything. :) I will be going there in a few weeks to see it. At the beginning of August, a representative from Ifanadiana will come to get me and take me back to the town. I think that I will be staying there for 4-5 days. It will be good to be able to see it before I actually move there at the end of August. I also think that I will be able to get a cell phone at the beginning of August. Won't that be great!!? Then perhaps some of you can call me. I would REALLY like that!

Well... take care. Bye for now!

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