Saturday, July 14, 2007

Notes from my phone call home on 7/7/07

Here are some notes from our phone call with Maribeth on 7/7/07
(posted by Maribeth's Mom)

Student teaching starts on 7/9/07. Students can choose to come the "English camp". They are on vacation right now. I will be teaching 2-3 hours per day and will end up "trying out" every grade.

The food is OK, but I seem to get quite a few stomach aches. Nothing that I can't handle, though.

My family has been very patient with me. They have been instructed not to speak to me in French or English, so that I can hopefully learn Malagay more quickly. I get along will with my Malagasy brothers, ages 11 & 13.

Once in a while I will be able to check my email. So...if you wish to leave me an email message, please use Thanks!

I have just received my Peace Corps assignment and will be living in Infanadiana beginning after August 28, 2007. Ifanadiana has a population of about 8500. It is located near the largest national park in Madagascar and has lots of lemurs. Ifanadiana is located about 1/2 hour from the ocean and is near the rainforest. I will be living in a 2-room house with a latrine. There is no running water, or even a well, so I will have to carry water from the town to my house. I will, however, have electricity, and a telephone. There have been 3 female Peace Corps volunteers teaching there before me. I will be teaching either middle school or high school.

I have made lots of friends here including a girl from Wisconsin and a guy from Arizona.

I would still LOVE to receive mail from everyone so...please write!! Thanks!

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