Monday, June 18, 2007

Hello Again!

So.... no one was using the computer, so i thought that I'd say hi again! It's raining a bit, and I'm really wishing I'd opted to bring the fleece!!! :-( However, things are going so well. I received my rabies shot and Hep A booster this morning! OUCH!!! Then, I had an interview regarding my teaching abilities. I'll finish with an interview with the Peace Corps M-car director, Bill Bull. This morning we had pancakes and french bread to eat, complete with M-car coffee. I showered with a bucket and some warm H2o. My walk to school is just beautiful-- I live in the rice fields and thus must walk past everything-- the entire market.

Welp... it's lunch time (we're having tacos!)

I made it to Madagascar!!

Greetings from Madagascar!!!

I just wanted to send a quick message to let you know that you made it safely. :-) After what seemed like days of travelling, we arrived in Madagascar. The weather is actually quite chilly, which is nice, because I feel a lot cleaner (if that's possible). Our town is very interesting. Although they are used to seeing trainees, it was quite exciting to walk to the PC training center this morning. I live the farthest from the school (almost a 2 mile walk), which is really exciting, because I'll get a lot of excercise!! I have a large house and my own room. We have electricity but no running water. I have a host mum and two brothers, ages 15 and 12. This morning I took a bucket shower, which was suprisingly refreshing. It's definetely overwhelming, but in a really good way! I've already started learning some of the language but there's a TON to learn. :-)

So... about mail: PLEASE SEND ME SOME SOON!!!
My address: Maribeth Black, PCV
Peace Corps Madagascar
BP 12091- Post ZOOM Akorondrano- TANA 101- Madagascar

If you write "Jesus Saves" and draw some crosses, we'll have the best luck of me receiving things. I'll be sending some cartes postales soon!!!

Well... I better share the computer. This is going to be quite an experiece. I'm definetely excited/nervous, but having a great time!!! The people are sooooo kind and considerate! :-)

VELOMA!! (bye in Malagasy)